mySAIT will transition to single sign-on (SSO) login using Microsoft 365 credentials on Saturday Sept 28th.
If you do not have an active or account, you will be able to create an account using your personal email and phone numb er; please ensure they are up-to-date.
Forgot Password?i* If you don’t know your SAIT ID, please contact the Office of the R egistrar, and if you experience login issues, please contact ITS Support. *
mySAIT will transition to single sign-on (SSO) login using Microsoft 365 credentials on Saturday Sept 28th. If you do not have an active or account, you will be able to create an account using your personal email and phone number; please ensure they are up-to-date. Forgot Password? * If you don’t know your SAIT ID, please contact the Office of the Registrar, and if you experience login issues, please contact ITS Support. *